Don't be intimidated by the application process! Your Sustainable Initiative idea can be simple or complex, and the application should not be a barrier--it's just a guide for helping you explain your project. In completing your application, pay particular attention to:

  1. The criteria for selection. Make sure your application addresses all of the points. If your application is not strong in an area (e.g., there is not a strong educational outreach component), think of ways you might strengthen the proposal to address this. If you can't find a good way, acknowledge this in your application so we know it has not been overlooked.

  2. The timeline. The timeline is where you demonstrate you have done the groundwork and planning. It does not need to be heavy on detail but make sure you hit the major milestones. At minimum, the review group wants a sense of the major milestones of the project, and the start and end date.

  3. The budget. Provide as much detail as you can and try to include all expenses -- supplies and materials, travel, labor (if any), and consumables such as food. When possible, provide pricing for materials and supplies from a catalog. Budget items that compensate the student project participants will not receive funding.

  4. Collaborate. Projects must incorporate student and faculty/staff collaboration. Student-only, faculty-only and staff-only teams will not receive funding.

  5. Project Duration. Projects typically begin and conclude within one academic year, but multi-year projects will be considered. Long-term projects can sometimes be divided into phases to stay under budget. If you can structure the proposals so that each phase brings a benefit to Lehigh sustainability, or if there is significant long-term benefit, this is the best option.

At any point in the process, you can email to get some guidance. We want you to be successful!