Successful applications must:

Advance sustainability in operation of the Lehigh campuses.

  • Projects must directly address sustainability on Lehigh's campuses or address off-campus or community activities that influence on-campus sustainability.

  • This includes a broad range of considerations, including but not limited to energy efficiency, water efficiency, waste reduction, transportation management, green procurement, green buildings, wildlife/habitat conservation and education.

Have a clearly-defined, measurable outcome within the proposed timeframe. 

  • All projects must have a mechanism for evaluation and follow-up after funding has been disbursed.

  • Project leaders must provide a report and make a presentation to the Lehigh Sustainability Council after implementation of the project.

Incorporate publicity, education and outreach.

  • The project must include a component that raises greater awareness of sustainability issues on Lehigh’s campuses.

  • For example, this could include an outreach component or an article in a Lehigh publication.

Contain a component of direct student and faculty/staff collaboration.

  • Such projects include, but are not limited to internships, initiatives with students in oversight bodies, student research, student clubs and projects proposed by students.

Demonstrate innovation and creativity in approaching sustainability issues.


Show potential to continue beyond the duration of the project.

  • Applicants must address how the project will continue to be incorporated into campus life after the project is complete.

  • Can the project scale to other areas or departments at Lehigh and/or the surrounding community?


These criteria are part of the Sustainable Initiative Grant Bylaws.