In an effort to better connect sustainability to the campus community and improve outreach and awareness, the Lehigh Environmental Advisory Group (LEAG) has changed its name to the Lehigh Sustainability Council (LSC). Though the name has changed, the mission remains the same.
The Lehigh Sustainability Council fosters campus-wide engagement on environmental stewardship matters, advises the President and senior leadership, coordinates activities with the Office of Sustainability in an effort to advance Lehigh’s sustainability goals, and sets priorities for change that will have a large impact and provide meaningful results.
LSC would like to acknowledge its newest members, including: Rudy Shankar, Director, Energy Systems Engineering Institute; Professor of Practice; Karen Beck-Pooley, Professor of Practice, Director of Environmental Policy Design Program; and Dr. Esther Lindstrom, Assistant Professor, College of Education.
You can find more about the LSC and its members at: