As an institution, Lehigh is committed to integrating sustainability throughout its administrative, academic, and operational processes. This commitment is not something that is new; sustainability efforts have occurred on Lehigh's campus for decades, but have solidified in more recent years under the direction of the Sustainability Plan and the Office of Sustainability. Over the years, Lehigh students, faculty, and staff have been identifying opportunities for innovation and implementing sustainable operational changes that will change lives, and the world for the better. Key initiatives in Lehigh's sustainability timeline include the development of Lehigh's Climate Commitment, the formation of the Environmental Initiative, the creation of a presidential advisory group - the Lehigh Sustainability Council, the development of the university's Strategic Plan, and the adoption of Lehigh's three campus sustainability plans.
Lehigh's Sustainability Timeline
Lehigh submitted its 9th AASHE STARS report and received a gold certification for the third year in a row.
New BikeShare Launched in partnership with Parking & Transportation Services
Climate Action Strategy is Released, establishing a goal of achieving net carbon neutrality by 2040.
Lehigh Earns 2021 Tree Campus Higher Education Recognition
Lehigh Launches Hungy Hawks App and Web Interface, a new platform that helps address food waste and food insecurity on Lehigh’s campus. Read more.
Lehigh submitted its 8th AASHE STARS report and received a gold certification for the second year in a row.
Signed onsite solar agreement for the Goodman Campus
Ninth year participation in Campus Race to Zero Waste (formerly, RecycleMania)
Lehigh submitted its 7th AASHE STARS report and received a gold certification. Read more about the achievement.
Lehigh accepts Green Ribbon Schools Sustainability Award. The university was just one of five post-secondary institutions nationwide to receive the U.S. Department of Education award Tuesday at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. Read more.
Lehigh applied to the Green Ribbon Schools and was selected as a 2021 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Postsecondary Sustainability Awardee. Read more about the achievement.
Campus Sustainable Impact Fellowship Launched.
Implemented the Sustainable & Healthful Food Purchasing Policy
Lehigh is included in the 2021 Princeton Review Guide to 416 Green Colleges.
Lehigh named 2021 Waste Minimization Case Study winner for successfully expanding the Eco Container Program.
Lehigh included in Sierra Magazine’s 2021 ‘Cool Schools’ ranking.
Won AASHE's 2020 Campus Sustainability Achievement Award for the solar power purchasing collective
Released Lehigh Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030, a Bold 10-Year Plan to Address Key Area for Sustainability Action at Lehigh
Lehigh Awarded 2020 Alternative Fuel Incentive Grant from Department of Environmental Protection
Published Sustainability Progress Report 2019, showing progress since Campus Sustainability Plan 2020 was introduced
Installed three additional electric vehicle charging stations (with two ports) in Zoellner garage, Farrington Square garage, and Iacocca parking lot
Hosted a two-part series of Campus Sustainability Strategic Planning workshops with faculty, staff, and students
Initiated the development of a Climate Action Strategy for Lehigh
Lehigh submitted its 6th AASHE STARS report
Lehigh is included in Sierra Magazine's 2020 "Coolest Schools" Ranking.
Completed the Real Food Challenge.
Expansion of the Eco-Reps Leadership Program to include Hall and Library Eco-Reps
Office moved from STEPS to 516 Brodhead Avenue
Hosted first Sustainability Leadership Summit and awards dinner
Held first Sustainability Leadership and Innovation Institute for high school students (SLII)
Lehigh submitted its 5th AASHE STARS report and received a silver certification
The College of Education became the first certified College in the Sustainable Office Program
Kicked off the strategic planning for Lehigh's next Sustainability Strategic Plan
Installation of an electric vehicle charging station (with two ports) on level one of the Alumni Memorial parking garage
Established partnership with LANTA on a joint agreement so that Lehigh students, faculty and staff can ride on LANTA buses for free
Installation of 27 sets of Big Belly solar compacting trash and recycling bins throughout campus
Sixth year participation in Recyclemania
Campus Sustainability Plan 2020 released and officially communicated to campus
Transportation & Parking Services acquired an electric vehicle for parking enforcement and an electric bus
Completed Comprehensive Waste Management Plan for campus
President Simon signed the Real Food Campus Commitment
Fifth year participation in RecycleMania
Lehigh received the “2017 Community Leader” award for environmental & energy leadership.
Campus Sustainability Plan 2020 adopted
Rathbone achieved Green Restaurant Certification
Eco-Rep program expanded with specific coordinator roles
Sustainability Program Manager hired
Fourth year participation in RecycleMania
Achieved 10% Real Food (local, ecological, fairtrade, humane)
Lehigh partnered with the community on planting fruit trees along the Greenway and launched the Ambassadors program
Themed semesters were adopted in the Eco-Reps Program
Third year participation in RecycleMania
First water bottle refilling stations installed on campus: Taylor Gym, University Center, Rauch Business Center, E.W. Fairchild-Martindale Library
Joined Pennsylvania Collegiate Green Sports Consortium
Alumni Memorial Building received 8 new waste stations
Second year participation in RecycleMania
Sustainability Plan Progress Report Published
First Game Day Challenge held on October 19th
Sustainability Program Coordinator hired
First RecycleMania competition participation
First Campus Sustainability Plan adopted
Alpha Phi composter installed
Campus Master Plan with Sustainable Design standards specifically mentioned
Sustainability Plan workshops throughout the university held
Green Fund formed
Sigma Epsilon composter installed
Lehigh Community Garden started
Eco-Rep Program started
Sustainability requirement added to Greek accreditation
Green Purchasing Guidelines created
LVAIC Director of Sustainability Initiatives hired
Climate Commitment signed
Recycling converted to single stream recycling
Strategic Plan written which acknowledges Community Engagement, Energy, Infrastructure and the Environment as areas of particular interest
Lehigh Sustainability Council established
Green House, a sustainability-themed student residential community started. It is now called Eco-House.