Develop and implement a Sustainable and Healthful Food Policy that sets new standards for measuring the ecological, social and health impacts of oncampus food preparation and consumption by 2021.
Launch Lehigh food sustainability awareness initiatives to inform the campus community about healthy and sustainable food choices that support a sustainable food system by 2021.
Implement food purchasing that is in line with Fitwel standards for the College of Health by 2021. Utilize as a pilot model for the rest of campus.
Identify select menu items’ carbon and water footprints using a scoring system in Lehigh Dining locations by 2021.
Partner with a local farm or distributor and pilot a Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) program by 2022.
Develop a healthy vending machine standard by 2022 and implement by 2023.
Develop university-wide Sustainable Catering Standards by 2022 and implement in phases by 2025.
Develop and implement an on-campus hydroponic garden by 2030.
Implement key, strategic recommendations from the Comprehensive Facilities Plan for Wellness, Fitness and Health Services in a phased manner. Use the recommendations to ensure health and well-being are at the forefront of campus life and maximize synergies with co-located services and programs.
Provide faculty and staff with opportunities to nurture the body, mind, and spirit by increasing participation in Lehigh’s Employee Wellness Program to 50% by 2022, 60% by 2025 and 75% by 2030.
**Develop a program to reward faculty, staff and students for valuable actions they take to make Lehigh a more sustainable campus by 2024.
Publish and implement a lactation friendly campus standard by 2022.
Implement a tobacco-free campus policy by 2021.
Healthy Infrastructure
Utilize certification standards such as Fitwel for application in buildings throughout campus to promote and integrate best practices in occupant health and wellness.
Utilize permanent plantings inside of the Health, Science and Technology Building as a pilot for implementing biophilic design in other buildings and renovations.
Enhance pedestrian paths and lighting to encourage walking throughout campus and reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicles.
Use the combination of purposeful landscape and building design to maximize accessibility across campus.