Lehigh aims to position itself as a local and global leader in sustainability and a model sustainable campus in higher education. From external partnerships and financial decisions to sustainability commitments and reporting accountability, Lehigh demonstrates leadership in seeking and embracing new solutions that support long-term sustainable change.
External Partnerships
Create a sustainability partnership with the local community that catalyzes climate action and resiliency by 2023.
Engage with the City of Bethlehem and the Bethlehem Parking Authority to make streetscape improvements to the South New Street Corridor from the Fahy Bridge to Farrington Square by 2023.
Establish a program to support faculty, staff and student projects in collaboration with the City of Bethlehem and local area groups that enhance sustainability goals by 2022.
Become an institutional member of the Fair Labor Association by 2022.
Build stronger relationships with the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission and the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation through enhanced engagement and collaboration.
Commitments & Accountability
Achieve AASHE STARS gold by 2022 and AASHE STARS platinum by 2030.
Rank in the top 100 schools on the Sierra Club Coolest Schools List by 2024.
Establish the Principles of a Sustainable Campus Community by 2022, similar to the Principles of an Equitable Community. Incorporate the principles into the bLUeprint program, new staff and faculty orientation, senior administration position descriptions, job searches and interviews by 2023.
Develop a best in class LEAN process improvement strategy to enhance operational efficiencies and change the campus culture. Implement the strategy across the university by 2025.
Work with retirement investment firms to educate about environmental social governance (ESG) investment options for Lehigh faculty and staff for their 403b investments by 2022.
Conduct an annual assessment to identify and address compensation strategies in order to stay competitive. Lehigh is committed to paying a living wage and will strive to continuously improve the compensation posture of Lehigh employees.
Re-envision the Green Revolving Fund with a revised framework and an advisory committee in 2021. Work with Development and Alumni Relations to develop donor support for the fund.
Work with Lehigh’s Investment Office and the Lehigh Investment Subcommittee of the Board. Update this plan with the specific goal(s) and begin implementation.
Alumni Relationships
Develop an alumni engagement strategy by 2021 to bolster involvement of, and support from, alumni in Lehigh’s sustainability initiatives. Cultivate ongoing and impactful dialogues with alumni about Lehigh’s sustainability challenges and successes.
Develop a selected pilot for an early career mentorship program with current Lehigh students interested in sustainability and alums in the sustainability field by 2022.