In December 2020, Lehigh Sustainability Officer, Katharine Targett Gross, in collaboration with Jason Schiffer, Chief of Police and Bob Bruneio, Transportation Services Manager, applied for a grant through the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant (AFIG) Program through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.  The Office of Sustainability is proud to announce that Lehigh was one of 20 local governments, schools, businesses, and organizations to receive a portion of the $3.4 million grant.  The $24,412 grant Lehigh received will allow the Lehigh University Police Department to  offset the incremental purchase cost of three electric vehicles (EVs) and one electric all-terrain vehicle.  This is part of transitioning the police department, and the university as a whole, to electric vehicles. 

“This represents an important step toward further implementing innovative, sustainable operational changes to optimize fuel efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and maximize capital investment at Lehigh. The ultimate goal is to transition the entire campus bus and vehicle fleet to run exclusively on renewable energy by 2030.  These changes will help build a campus community for the 21st century that enhances both Lehigh University and the state of Pennsylvania.  This second AFIG is one small step in that direction,” said Katharine.  

Read more about this accomplishment.