Lehigh University will be celebrating Earth Week this year by hosting a week of educational and engaging events. Earth Week is an opportunity to celebrate the beauty and bounty of our planet, while also embracing our responsibility to curb our environmental impact and protect the earth for future generations.

Earth Week 2018 Calendar of Events

















Earth Day Fair 2018

Please join the Lehigh University community in celebrating Earth Day 2018 at our vibrant, outdoor Earth Day Fair.  This well-attended event seeks to enhance community and quality of life, educate on sustainable living, and encourage environmental stewardship.  During the fair, students, faculty, staff, and the community will stop by to learn, engage, and interact with booths that are set up.  This fair is a great opportunity to share the message of your organization and to invite students, faculty, and staff to participate in your events and programs.

Set up an interactive booth or creative display.  As this is an Earth Day event, please plan a low-waste booth. Consider thoughtful giveaways with little packaging.

Donate a prize for the Earth Day Fair raffle drawing!  Contact sustainability@lehigh.edu to make your donation.

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Energy Symposium at Lehigh: China's Role in the Global Energy Landscape

Date: Friday, April 20

Time: All Day (registration begins at 9am)

Location: Rauch 184

During this symposium there will be speakers and panel discussions on renewables, carbon emission programs, and other issues relating to sustainability.  Students and faculty can attend for free!