ICYMI: Exciting News!
Lehigh released the Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030 in October 2020. Read the article and learn more about the plan. Additionally, the university began developing a Climate Action Strategy, a key component of the Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030. This strategy will be completed in spring 2021. Read the article and learn more about the strategy.
Campus Sustainable Impact Fellowship - Apply Now!
Do you want to have a positive, hands-on impact on campus sustainability? Campus Sustainable Impact Fellows are a highly self-selected cohort of undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines across Lehigh University, focused on addressing challenges tied to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals on Lehigh University's campus. Read more to learn about this newly established program.
Students Study the Environment in the Time of COVID-19
2020 has proven to be a challenging and unforgettable year, in part, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Around the world, scientists and sustainability professionals have been considering the environmental impacts, both positive and negative, that have stemmed from the global pandemic. This fall, a brand new class, The Environment in the Time of COVID-19, an open enrollment course offered by the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and the Environmental Initiative, examined the topic. Read more.
Green Roof Installed on New Residence Hall
This fall, a green roof was installed on the new Singleton, Hitch & Maida Houses (SHM). Brent Stringfellow, Associate Vice President of Facilities and University Architect, said the green rooftop is “...a key component of our storm water control strategy, in conjunction with bioswales and detention basins, that will mitigate the impact during heavy rains.” SHM has numerous sustainability features and Lehigh is pursuing LEED silver or higher certification for the building.
LED Grants Received for Grace Hall and Taylor Gymnasium
This fall, LU Facilities received a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection as well as Scott Electric to conduct LED lighting projects in Grace Hall and Taylor Gym. Collectively, the grants equate to roughly $90,000 and will save about 457,756 kWh across the two buildings. This is the equivalent of powering 42 homes for a year. Congratulations to LU Facilities!