Energy Conservation Month

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During the month of November, we challenge members of the Lehigh community to be conscious of their energy consumption behaviors, to commit to adopting new energy saving behaviors, and to engage with peers and coworkers on the topic of energy conservation. This challenge is designed to reduce university-wide energy consumption leading into the cold dark winter months when lighting and heating is heavily used.

Reducing Your Energy Usage

Tips to try

Help reduce energy use this month and all year long by doing things like: 

  • Turning off the lights

  • Unplugging idle electronics

  • Shutting down your computer

  • Ensuring the windows are closed

  • Washing clothes in cold water

  • Opening refrigerator/freezer doors for shorter time periods

  • Using task lighting instead of whole-room lighting

Lehigh's Commitments to Energy Conservation

Lehigh's Commitments
  • Lehigh University has taken steps to address energy consumption and the resulting environmental and social impacts through a series of public commitments and policies:

  • Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030: Climate Action focus area outlines short, intermediate, and long-term energy effficiency, energy conservation, and renewable energy goals.

  • Climate Action Strategy 2021: Establishes a 'Pathway to Zero' emissions to positively impact Lehigh's bottom line and achieve net carbon neutrality by 2040.

  • 2009 Climate Commitment: Identifies eight key actions focused on measuring, monitoring and reducing energy consumption

  • Campus Sustainability Plan 2020: Energy & Climate section lays out short-term, intermediate, and long-term energy conservation goals

  • 2014 Energy Policy: Describes individual actions, technical strategies and standards for managing and reducing energy consumption