Below are some projects that have been funded in the past. Except where noted, budgets are included in the application.
Funded Projects 2013/2014
*International Peace Garden, English as a Second Language Program. This project establishes a garden of native Pennsylvania plants in unused land by Coxe Hall. The garden will create a green space but also gives students a chance to engage in the harvest. The garden serves to integrate sustainability into the International student experience and ties into the "green theme" of the current programming. [View application]
*Lehigh University Beekeeping Club and Beehive. Establishes a beehive near Iacocca Hall to be jointly maintained by the Lehigh Beekeeping Club, Lehigh staff, and members of the local beekeeping association. Extensive education and outreach is an integral part of this project. [View application]
Grow Project On-Campus Composting Project. Explores opportunities, technologies, and challenges to establishing a composting facility on the Lehigh campus. The project builds on a past GreenFund grant led by Eric Weiss. This project has also received funding from other sources -- currently led by IDEAS students as one of the Lehigh Mountaintop Projects. [View application]
Sustainable Waste Processing Project. Quantified food waste from one meal at selected dining services. [view application]
Past years of GreenFund projects
Eco-Rep Program in Residential Halls – Green Action ($2,000). The Lehigh University Eco-Rep program began in May 2010 after Lehigh’s environmental club, Green Action, received a grant from the GreenFund. With $2,000 in seed money, the Eco-Reps started a peer education program to promote sustainable living in residence halls. Visit for more information.
Composter – Sigma Phi Epsilon and Alpha Phi ($400 each). With support from the GreenFund, two Greek organizations have implemented Greek Composting programs. Sigma Phi Epsilon and Alpha Phi received $400 each to install composters which now allows them to compost any leftover food waste from their kitchens.
*Denotes particularly strong applications -- if you are preparing to submit an application, use these as examples!