As part of Recyclemania, Lehigh competes in Game Day Basketball to promote waste reduction and recycling at a home basketball game. The Office of Sustainability partners with Dining Services, Athletics, Facilities, and ABM to raise awareness about waste reduction and recycling during a home basketball game. Our waste diversion rate from a home basketball game is compared to other college basketball games across the country.
February 12th, 7pm at Stabler Arena against Holy Cross. Go Hawks!
Be aware that Lehigh’s recycling is single stream, meaning all recyclables can go in one bin!
CAN be recycled: Plastic bottles, aluminum, glass, and paper products
CANNOT be recycled: Plastic cups or containers. Try to bring a reusable or recyclable cups instead.
We are always looking for additional volunteers to help us engage and educate fans about trash and recycling! Contact us at!