A key subcomponent of Lehigh's Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030 is the development of a Climate Action Strategy where Lehigh will demonstrate true climate leadership. A critical component of the strategy is to develop a comprehensive roadmap for measuring, planning, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The strategy will outline a set of energy efficiency projects that will reduce emissions and save the institution money. It will also establish greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and a future carbon neutrality date. Below are the latest updates on the strategy development process:
Completed a Draft Final Energy Capital Investment Plan: In late January, remaining data was analyzed, and the draft final Energy Capital Investment Plan (essentially a prioritized list of energy projects by ROI, emissions reduction, etc.) was completed and shared with LU Facilities.
Began Modeling Pathway Options: In January, we began to develop greenhouse gas emission reduction pathway options and we are currently narrowing it down to one recommended pathway.
Hosted Working Group and Advisory Group Meetings: The most recent advisory group meetings (composed of faculty, staff, students, alumni, community members, and peer institution representatives) were hosted the week of January 11, and the next set of four working group meetings were hosted the week of January 18.
Published Climate Action Strategy Course Toolkit: In early January, we published the Climate Action Strategy Course Toolkit to the Curriculum Integration section of the Lehigh Sustainability website and the Teaching Sustainability Guide.The purpose of this toolkit is to assist faculty across Lehigh’s five colleges with integrating Lehigh’s commitment to sustainability and climate action (including key concepts like climate change, climate action, social justice, and resiliency) into their class(es). Reach out to get your class involved!
Began to Develop Experiential Learning Opportunities for Post-Plan Implementation: We held an initial brainstorming session to develop a draft, multidisciplinary list of potential experiential learning opportunities for Lehigh students for post-plan implementation. Another brainstorming session is scheduled.
City of Bethlehem Released Draft Climate Action Plan: The City of Bethlehem released their draft plan for public comment in December. The public comment period closed in January. The Office of Sustainability provided feedback on behalf of Lehigh. We are actively working on synergies and alignment between Lehigh’s strategy and the City’s.
Learn. Ask. Engage.
If you weren’t able to join a Climate Action Ideation Session in October, please be sure to fill out this survey and pass it along to your fellow colleagues and students. Stay up to date on the development of Lehigh’s Climate Action Strategy here!
Up Next:
Finalize the recommended greenhouse gas emission reduction pathway and share it internally for discussion and comments.
Draft the official Lehigh Climate Action Strategy report.
Finalize the experiential learning opportunities for post-plan implementation and work with faculty to implement.
Finish Alternative Fuel Study on Lehigh’s direct transportation.
Present strategy progress at the February Campus Planning and Operations Committee meeting.
Have the next round of working group and advisory group meetings the week of March 15.