Lehigh Sustainability Council Gains New Members

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The Lehigh Sustainability Council is a group of dedicated faculty, staff, and student members whose mission is to foster campus-wide engagement on environmental stewardship matters, advise the President and senior leadership, coordinate activities with the Office of Sustainability to advance Lehigh's sustainability goals, and set priorities for change that will have the largest impact and provide meaningful results. Members are appointed and/or nominated by the President and Provost, Vice President of their respective department, Student Senate, or Graduate Student Senate. The Lehigh Sustainability Council is proud to welcome three new members.

Christine Lake (left) is the Business Manager for the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity.  Prior to her current role, Christine was the Executive Secretary to the Vice President for Equity & Community from June 2017 to February 2019. She started her Lehigh career with the Electrical and Computer Engineering department in 2015. Christine also has a deep commitment to fostering an environment of inclusivity both on and off-campus. "Sustainability is important to me because it affects every aspect of our lives. Keeping our resources available for generations to come is so important, and coming up with new ways to use those resources wisely is really on the cutting edge of innovation. I am most looking forward to getting a better send of Lehigh's workings on sustainability through LSC. I always find this type of committee work fascinating because I learn so much."

Fun fact about Christine: "I am OBSESSED with ladybugs!"


Stephen Gross (middle) is a member of the editorial team in the Office of Communications and Public Affairs where he writes and edits for Lehigh's news websites and several of Lehigh's publications. He is celebrating two years at Lehigh in June. When Stephen is not working, he loves watching Braves and Yankees (for his wife) baseball and Flyers hockey, playing recreational league softball, and brewing his own beer. "Sustainability is more important to me because of the effect it can have on the environment. I want to live on a better, healthier planet and also leave one for future generations to enjoy. I'm looking forward to making a larger impact as a member of the LSC. There's only so much I can do myself and in my household, but I'm hoping to make more of a difference through the LSC."

Fun face about Stephen: a Cowboys fan, rode in the 2018 Eagles Super Bowl parade and accidentally ended up attending the family reception inside the Philadelphia Art Museum after the ceremony (he was a sportswriter before joining Lehigh).


Phillip Coles (right) is a Professor of Practice in the Department of Decision and Technology Analytics in the College of Business. Phillip worked in the mushroom industry for 35 years and is still very involved (40 years total). Phillip implemented an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program at several farms which reduced pesticide usage by over 90 percent. Phillip developed and implemented the largest organic mushroom program in the United States. Phillip got his start in teaching at Reading Area Community College where he taught environmental science for eight years. His research spans many areas from composting and pest control to local food systems and supply chain operational efficiency. "I'd like to do something related to agriculture. Consumers have no idea where their food comes from and have some very strange ideas."

Fun fact about Phillip: Phillip loves animals, especially fish. Prior to studying entomology, he wanted to pursue ichthyology, the study of fish. He has a koi pond at home.