Academic Integration
Develop a sustainability framework for use in college-level strategic planning efforts by 2021. Work with deans to utilize the framework to integrate sustainability into college strategic plans by 2023.
Establish at least one sustainability learning outcome in each of the five colleges by 2025 and ensure each learning outcome collectively addresses sustainability as an integrated concept having social, economic and environmental dimensions.
Establish and implement a more accurate way to capture sustainability-related/sustainability-focused course data by 2022.
Cover sustainability-focused curricular integration and experiential learning opportunities in new faculty orientation each fall, starting in 2021.
Starting in 2020, conduct a Sustainability Literacy Assessment twice a year of the entire student body to identify knowledge gaps. Develop and implement a strategy to address the gaps by 2021.
Experiential Learning
Create and launch the Campus Sustainable Impact Fellowship program by spring 2021 merging Lehigh’s operational sustainability goals with active learning and applied research for faculty and students. Determine ways to provide support for faculty engagement.
Utilize infrastructure and operations for multidisciplinary student learning and applied research in various areas to expand “campus as a living lab” opportunities across the university. Opportunities contribute to understanding campus sustainability challenges and/or advance sustainability on campus.
Foster a new generation of environmental leaders by providing networking and professional development opportunities that prepare students for the challenges in the years to come. This includes:
Furthering the development of the relationship with UNEP, Sustainable UN-Geneva and the Division of Sustainable Development at the UN.
Working with the Center for Career and Professional Development to develop opportunities for students (jobs, internships, mentoring, etc.
**Establish an academic hub focused on the environment, resilience and sustainability. Use the hub to facilitate faculty from multiple disciplines or academic programs to conduct research on sustainability topics and enhance its visibility, foster interdisciplinary efforts and infuse sustainability throughout all five colleges.
**Establish a space at Building B coalesced around the interdisciplinary theme of resilient and sustainable communities.
With the goal of full and unimpeded public access to the outcomes of research, devise and implement, with the involvement of faculty, policies pertaining to public access to manuscripts, publications, etc. by 2030. Continue to develop infrastructure to support open access behaviors and facilitation of open processes for knowledge production.
Establish and implement a more accurate way to capture sustainability research data by 2022.