Lehigh Launches a New Bike Share
By: Grace Alto '26 & Kelley Versocki | Published Thursday, November 16th, 2023
On Tuesday, October 10th, 2023 Lehigh launched a new way to get around the Lehigh Campus and Lehigh Valley: the goLehigh BikeShare!
Created by Parking and Transportation Services, in partnership with Lehigh Sustainability, the goLehigh BikeShare program consists of a fleet of 30 bikes available in small, medium, and large sizes for students, staff, faculty, and visitors of Lehigh’s campus to use. The bikes are located across the 3 parking garages and pavilions on Asa Packer Campus.
A Custom Bike Share Created for Lehigh with Local Community Partners
“The idea for the project began as a replacement for the original bike share program on campus,” Brett Johnson, Manager of Parking Services said. “Which had to be discontinued due to the company that owned it going out of business”.
Instead of utilizing another bike-share company, Transportation & Parking Services decided to try something different.
“Transportation & Parking, along with the Office of Sustainability, decided that a custom bike share program that works with a local bike shop in Bethlehem would be a great way forward. Cutters Bike Shop, located at 418 East 3rd Street, has been instrumental in helping us determine the appropriate bikes and equipment for the terrain of Lehigh’s campus and the surrounding areas” said Johnson.
The bikes were also assembled and will be maintained by the local Southside bike shop, Cutters Bike Shop.
“As a small family business, we at Cutters are so excited to be a part of the Lehigh University BikeShare. We have worked with LU for a few years now helping secure e-bikes for the University police department and working to find a good fit for the campus bike share. The bike share bikes are user-friendly, functional, and fun! We hope the bike share is a valuable resource for current cycling enthusiasts and introduces some new riders to cycling” said Lisa Ronca, Owner.

“Not only does the goLehigh BikeShare program allow us to provide another service on the transportation side, but with the BikeShare racks located in each of the parking garages it helps us support individuals that need to park and would like to use a bike to travel around campus and beyond,” Johnson said.
A Sustainable Mode of Transportation with Notable Health Benefits
goLehigh BikeShare adds to Lehigh’s growing portfolio of sustainable transportation options. Having bikes available to the community is a way for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to get outside, enjoy the fresh air, exercise, unplug, and explore both campus and the Lehigh Valley sustainably. Furthermore, the bike share “helps in reducing vehicle traffic and emissions, which contributes to a more pleasing and sustainable local environment” notes Johnson.
“Seeing the goLehigh BikeShare come to life has been exciting,” Audrey McSain, Sustainability Director said. “It is due to the collaboration and dedication of our partners, on and off campus, that this vision has been brought to reality. I am proud Lehigh can offer the bike share as a sustainable and healthy transportation option.“
Rent a Bike Today
Bikes can be found on the 1st floor of the Alumni Building Parking Pavilion, the 2nd floor of the Farrington Parking Garage, and the 1st floor of the Zoellner Parking Garage, by the signs designed by Lehigh Sustainability’s student graphic designer Becca O’Brien.

To rent a bike, users are required to download the Movatic app on their phone and create an account. Once an account is created, they can choose which size bike will work best for them. To unlock and ride, users are charged a fee of $1/hour, with the first hour of every ride free!
Read more about the BikeShare Program here!