Change Your Energy Consumption Habits During Energy Conservation Month This November

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The way in which we consume energy determines much of the impact we place on our environment. As part of Lehigh’s commitment to energy conservation and energy efficiency, we take both individual energy behaviors and habits as well as institutional policies seriously. November is Energy Conservation Month.  This is the perfect time to consciously reflect on our energy consumption and determine ways to change our behavior to reduce the amount of energy we use on a daily basis. We hope you will be a behavior change ambassador, and will engage your peers in this effort to reduce energy consumption throughout the month of November. As the winter months approach, when lighting and heating is used with more regularity, we hope this challenge in November will reduce our university-wide energy usage.

All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to take charge of their individual energy consumption habits. Here are some easy ways for students to conserve energy:

  • Take the energy pledge!

  • Turn off your lights when you leave your room.

  • Close your windows when the heat or A/C is on to make sure energy is not being wasted.

  • Unplug devices when not in use.

  • Buy energy efficient desk and reading lamps.

These simple yet effective ways make a difference in both individual energy consumption and university-wide energy consumption. Get into new, environmentally friendly habits in November and make them last!