Stepping into 1970: Lehigh's First Earth Day

Earth Day was established in 1970 and is regarded as the birth of the of the modern environmental movement. Sustainability Officer, Katharine Targett Gross, virtually sat down for a fireside chat with alumni Bruce Davis '70, Doug Griffes '70, and Peter Skinner '70 to get the inside scoop on Lehigh's participation in the first Earth Day. Watch the interview here.
Virtual Integrating Sustainability in the Curriculum Workshop a Success

In 2018, the Office of Sustainability and Lehigh Sustainability Council established an ongoing program that offers incentives for faculty to develop new sustainability courses and/or incorporate sustainability in existing courses. This is part of Lehigh's Campus Sustainability Plan 2020 goals. The Office of Sustainability and the Education Subcommittee of the LSC recently hosted the second curricular integration workshop entitled, "Educating Future Leaders: Integrating Sustainability in the Curriculum" on May 4. Read more about the workshop here.
Progress Continues on Lehigh's Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030

Lehigh University has taken numerous steps to integrate sustainability into its academic and operational processes over the years. Despite the current remote learning and working environment, the Office of Sustainability and the Lehigh Sustainability Council continue to make progress on developing Lehigh's Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030. To learn more about the key progress that has taken place click here.
We’ll Be Back: Bethlehem Farmers’ Market 2020 Season Cancelled

The Bethlehem Farmers’ Market is one of many beloved events here at Lehigh University. Many of us have been looking forward to our upcoming season, which was scheduled to open on Thursday, April 30. Due to the challenging circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, it is with a heavy heart that the market has adjusted its plans. Learn more here.
Lehigh Sustainability Council Gains New Members

The Lehigh Sustainability Council is a group of dedicated faculty, staff, and student members whose mission is to foster campus-wide engagement on environmental stewardship matters, advise the President and senior leadership, coordinate activities with the Office of Sustainability to advance Lehigh's sustainability goals, and set priorities for change that will have the largest impact and provide meaningful results. The Lehigh sustainability Council recently welcomed three new members, learn more about them here.
Lehigh Affiliates with the Workers' Rights Consortium

Lehigh University is now affiliated with the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC), an independent labor rights monitoring organization. WRC is an effort to collaborate with workers, non-governmental organizations, and other colleges and universities to improve the conditions of workers producing collegiate apparel. Learn more about the affiliation here.
Lehigh Receives $15,000 Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant

In November 2019, Lehigh University Manager of Transportation Services, Bob Bruneio, and Sustainability Officer, Katharine Targett Gross, in collaboration with LU Facilities, I-CPIE, and the Western Regional Office, applied for a grant through the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. The Office of Sustainability is proud to announce that Lehigh is one of 18 local governments, schools, businesses, and organizations to receive a portion of the $2.1 million grant. Learn more about the award here.
Bright Horizons at Lehigh Recognized as Eco-Healthy Child Care® Facility

Lehigh's Child Care Center, Bright Horizons at Lehigh University, has been recognized as an Eco-Healthy Child Care® facility by the Children's Environmental Health Network. Eco-Healthy Child Care® (EHCC) is a national program that partners with child care professionals to eliminate environmental health hazards that can adversely affect children's health in or around child care facilities. The EHCC program endorses child care facilities who comply with 24 of 30 simple, free, or low-cost environmentally healthy best practices. These changes immediately benefit the well-being of young children. Congratulations to Bright Horizons at Lehigh University!
2020 Sustainability Tracking Assessment & Rating System (STARS) Rating Released

Lehigh submitted its sixth report to The Sustainability Tracking Assessment & Rating System (STARS) in February 2020, and received a silver rating with a score of 61.25. This is an increase in score from 56.41 in 2019. Lehigh is less than 4 points away from gold and an action plan has been developed to get there in the next year. STARS is a tracking and rating system specifically designed for higher education to track their sustainability performance. Universities earn points to achieve bronze, silver, gold, or platinum rating by demonstrating efforts in sustainability.