Transportation Services Cruises to Bronze Certification

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Transportation Services has been working on greening its office and operations. In early October, Transportation Services earned a bronze certification in the Sustainable Office Program by completing 44 sustainable actions. The Sustainable Office Program is a voluntary, self-guided program, where offices can take the lead in promoting sustainability in the workplace. Transportation Services made a huge step, when they introduced the first ever BYD all electric bus on a college campus on the east coast in September.

Lisa Leidich took initiative as the Sustainable Office Representative and led her office through the certification process. Transportation Services chose to complete its certification very thoroughly, putting in place new policies and flushing out current practices. Lisa emphasized that “all good things take time.” It is not realistic to implement every possible sustainable practice at once. Instead, Lisa and her office chose a few of the more important actions to put into place immediately. Transportation Services is going to continue to work on their sustainability efforts over the next year.

In the Sustainable Office Program, it is evident that all great things take time. The program began in the spring of 2015 with zero offices certified. Now, nearly two years later, there are over 20 offices certified. If your office would like to join the movement you can register here, or email to learn more.