From Supporting Our Students to Supporting Our Planet: Gender Violence Education and Support’s Silver Certification

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Lehigh University’s Office of Gender Violence Education and Support is a powerful force on campus, providing a safe place for students who have been through or witnessed traumatic sexual encounters. Gender Violence Education and Support is dedicated to creating a knowledgeable community which values the importance of healthy relationships and interactions. Their goal is not only to create a supportive campus, but also to be a part of a sustainability supportive campus. On November 9, the Office of Gender Violence Education and Support became the 19th office on campus to become a part of the Sustainable Office Program. The Sustainable Office Program is a voluntary, self-guided program, where offices can take the lead in promoting sustainability in the workplace. Offices that are a part of this program have brought enthusiasm and strength to their own offices, while inspiring fellow offices to improve their sustainable practices and consciousness throughout their day-to-day actions.

Brooke Desipio took initiative as the Sustainable Office Representative and led her office through the certification process. When meeting with representatives from the Office of Sustainability, Brooke was very adamant to complete as many sustainable actions as possible. Her above-and-beyond attitude awarded her office the silver certification, with an impressive 84 actions.  Gender Violence Education and Support has invested in new improvements to their office, such as purchasing centralized and multi-function devices such as printers and copiers. This dedication to the environment and sustainability is impressive and is sure to inspire other offices to follow in their footsteps.

When Brooke was asked why she decided to have her office join the Sustainable Office Program, she said that, “The Office of Gender Violence Education and Support is committed to social justice work, and the Sustainable Office Program is part of that big picture of social justice on campus.” Social justice can be defined as the equal distribution of opportunities and resources, which avoid external factors that categorize people. Providing a safe campus for all does not only mean protecting individuals, but also the community as a whole. Living and engaging in sustainable behaviors protects future generations in the long term, as well as improving quality of life and the work environment in the short term.

Gender Violence Education and Support is currently working on hosting a Break the Silence peer educators professional development “zero waste” meeting in the Spring of 2017 on sustainability. The Office of Sustainability will be working with the Office of Gender Violence Education and Support to host this wonderful event, which will hopefully bring more attention to sustainability on campus. With such a strong determination to improve various aspects of campus life, we look forward to seeing what the Office of Gender Violence Education and Support accomplishes in the future. If your office would also like to join the movement and create positive change to Lehigh’s campus, you can register here, or email to learn more.