Lehigh University Launches Plastic Film Recycling

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Lehigh University Office of Sustainability is proud to announce the launch of the plastic film recycling program, which will introduce a new recycling stream intended to divert plastic bags from entering the standard waste stream.  The program is designed so that students, staff, and faculty can save up appropriate plastic bags and plastic film items and bring them to collection bins in centralized building locations. The collected plastic is then transported to a Trex Company recycling facility where it is recycled into wood alternative decking and boards. After running a test pilot of this program in the 2013 Spring Semester, the program was deemed worthy to expand campus wide. Currently, seven collection bins marked with yellow 'plastic film' signs have been distributed to various buildings on campus with the hopes that the Lehigh community will become aware of the new recycling option.

The Plastic Film program began with an idea from the Leadership Lehigh Environmental Branch, that was aimed at reducing the waste generated by Lehigh. The Environmental branch "felt that the University and its affiliates were adding to the problem through distribution of plastic shopping bags. From the there the idea evolved organically into a recycling pilot. From the plastic shopping bag pilot, in a matter of months we were able to collect over 600+ bags with only four locations. So if there are so many shopping bags out there, why wouldn't this pilot for plastic film work." The Leadership Lehigh Environmental Branch coordinated a test pilot with Facilities Services/ Campus Planning and the Office of Sustainability in which plastic shopping and grocery bags were collected in 4 campus locations:  Linderman Library entrance, University Center Upper Cort hallway, STEPS concourse, and the Lehigh University Bookstore lower level. After the conclusion of this test pilot, the results were determined to have enough of a positive impact to warrant a full scale rollout.

How to Participate: The program is easy and simple to use. All you need to do is save up clean acceptable materials, bring them to one of the seven locations on campus and deposit them into the bin. Please note that plastic film may only be placed in the recepacles with the yellow sign. Plastic film cannot be placed in our single-stream blue recycling bins, as the bags will cause problems at the recycling facility. 

Plastic film collection bins can be found at the following locations:

  • STEPS Concourse
  • Linderman Library Entrance
  • Rauch Business Center
  • University Center Lower Cort
  • EWFM Library
  • Lamberton Hall
  • Iacocca Hall

The following materials can be placed in the yellow plastic film bins*:

  • Grocery bags
  • Bread bags
  • Case overwrap
  • Dry cleaning bags
  • Newspaper sleeves
  • Ice bags
  • Wood pellet bags
  • Ziplock and other recloseable bags
  • Produce bags
  • Bubble wrap
  • Salt bags
  • Cereal bags
  • Airpak packets
  • Plastic wrap

IMPORTANT: all bags must be clean dry and free of contamination. 

Our program currently runs through a series of partnerships in order to transport the plastic from consumer to recycled product. First the plastic film/plastic bags are collected in marked yellow bins at designated locations.  Occasionally ABM janitorial staff checks these bins and stores the collected plastic. Once a sufficient amount of plastic is collected, Lehigh University  transports the plastic to a local Giant Food Store. Giant is then responsible for arranging the pickup of plastic bails with Trex delivery trucks. Trex Company, located in Winchester VA, is the largest manufacturer of synthetic plastic lumber in America and will use our recycled plastic to make new products such as eco friendly decking and furniture.
With this new recycling program now in full effect we hope to see an increase of campus sustainability awareness and a decrease in Lehigh University's waste output. Lehigh is proud to do its part in keeping plastic out of landfills and earth's oceans, and to prevent harm to wildlife, especially marine creatures. We hope to continue to do our part to raise awareness of environmental problems and follow the goals of the Lehigh University Sustainability Plan in order to create a brighter, cleaner future.

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