Professor Spotlight-November

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Lehigh's Office of Sustainability is initiating a monthly Professor Spotlight Campaign for the 2014-15 academic year! The purpose of these spotlights is to highlight professor accomlishments in environmentally related fields as well as connecting students and professors, who may not have otherwise been in direct contact. Our office has looked at professors accross a number of disciplines, including Earth and Environmental Sciences, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and the Environmental Initiative. These questions only provide a quick glimpse into the research of Lehigh's professors, so for more info, check out their personal web pages!

The Professor Spotlight for the month of November is...

Arup K. Sengupta, Ph.D, in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering!

  1)    How long have you been doing research at Lehigh?

Nearly 30 years.

2)    What topic(s) do you do research on?

Everything about water science and water technology.

3)    Why were you drawn to doing research in your particular field?

I am chemical engineer by training. The eccentricity of water and its relevance in every sphere of life has propelled me to this area.

4)    Who was/is your biggest research mentor?

Rabindrananth Tagore: Philosopher, poet and first Asian to win Nobel Prize

Dennis Clifford : My PhD advisor

5)    If you were given $1 million in research funding, what is the first thing you would do?

I will demonstrate that application of appropriate science and technology can not only improve accessibility to quality water but will also lead to economic growth.

6)    What was your favorite and/or most proud research moment?

When the material invented at my laboratory was first successfully used in the field to provide safe drinking water to arsenic-affected villagers. Now over one million people in different countries including the USA routinely use our material which is commercially available.

7)    Who and/or what will your research benefit? What are its implications?

That is always the same: To improve the quality of life in our planet and especially for the resurce-poor people at the bottom of the pyramid who don't have much say in making policies and disbursement of funds.

8)    How do you see your research projects/interests evolving in the future?

Invent and develop technology in accordance with slogan of our foundation and NGO: Water an an Engine for Economic Growth.


For more information on professor Sengupta, visit his web page at or you can email him directly at!
