This fall, several students who work for the Office of Sustainability and members of Lehigh’s Eco-Rep Leadership program were able to attend sustainability seminars and conferences. In October, two undergraduate students, Matthew Fainor ‘20 (Eco-Rep Coordinator) and Mariah Matias ‘20 (Office of Sustainability Student Intern), attended Be.Hive at Dickinson College. This day-long seminar focused on behavior change as a necessary tool in tackling climate change. Environmental advocates, youth climate activists, sustainability pros, behavioral scientists and other visionary leaders convened to explore how campus communities can be at the forefront of promoting sustainable behaviors and curbing the climate crisis. Additionally, Madeleine Pasda ‘19 & ‘20G, a graduate assistant in the Office of Sustainability, attended the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) 2019 conference in Spokane, Washington. Madeleine presented on how Lehigh integrates sustainability into first-year orientation. Through these opportunities, students received hands-on experience and were able to learn from students, faculty, and staff at other colleges and universities.